Senior Council Elections

Senior Council Election Results 2024-2028

Senior Council elections will take place for the following positions. Senior Council Chairperson, Vice- Chairperson, and Secretary. Positions are held for four years. Anyone who is 60 years of age and older and has been a part of the Older Adult Center for at least a year is eligible to run for the positions mentioned. Eligible candidates will need to complete a candidate information form in addition to a letter of commitment. Please also consider joining one of our Senior Council committees, we have the Fundraising committee, the Food committee, and the Programming committee. Stop by the office for more information. 

If anyone is interested and would like more information please speak to Diana in the VISIONS Office. Please stop by the office to cast your vote or vote online via our OAC website. Elections will run for five consecutive days. 

Elections will run from: Monday, March 18th to Friday, March 22nd.  

Results will be announced during Senior Expressions on Monday, April 1st.